Commands Manager

Collect all your commands in one place, then search and copy them instantly!

It's about productivity

Keyboard-first interface

Speed up your flow by searching and copy commands
without ever needing to touch your mouse

Folders for any purpose

Arrange your commands into folders for fast navigation,
filtering, and team sharing

Synced in the cloud

Your commands with folders are synced and
available from all your devices 24/7

Search in the way you like

Find the command you need within seconds,
starting from the first symbol you recall

How it's works? 👉

Press Option+C (Alt+C) to open the app, use the arrow keys to navigate folders and commands, and hit Enter to copy a command.

Set it up in the way you like

Add a command description, choose a folder, and a color tag. This will help you find and use commands even faster

Commands Manager

It's time to delete your
commands.txt file

More productive work, less time wasting

It's free and runs on all platforms

Install from Stores 👇

“Commands Manager is one of the most useful apps
I've used for the last time!”

Peter Mukha

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this app for?

For those who feel pain just from the sight of the command line but must use it in their work.

What is Commands Manager?

Commands Manager is a free tray utility that instantly helps you find and copy terminal commands using keyboard shortcuts. Besides its main features, the app includes helpfull functionality to speed up the development process, such as: searching commands by short description or command body, command sharing, tags and more. The app is compatible with all modern operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux-based distributions.

On which platforms Commands Manager is available?

Commands Manager is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux based operating systems. Supports both Apple Silicon and Intel-based processors. Compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11. Stable work on Ubuntu, though additional configuration may be required for hotkey support.

Where can I download Commands Manager?

Commands Manager is available through the OS's built-in store of supported operating systems. You can install the app from the following links: Mac App Store, Microsoft Store, Snap Store.

How to use Commands Manager after installation?

After installation, you will be greeted with an onboarding that will help you to create your first folder and command. Once onboarding is completed, the app will wait you in the system tray. You can open and use the app with your mouse or by using hotkey combinations. Press Option+C (Alt+C) to open the app. Use the arrow keys to navigate through folders and commands. Hit Enter to copy a command. After that, you can paste the command into any Terminal window or the terminal in your IDE.

What are the features of this application?

The main feature of this app is storing and providing quick access to search and copy of the commands. Besides that, you can deeply customize commands using short descriptions and colored tags. You can also share folders with your friends or teammates, and the folders and commands will be synced with them.

Can I change my device?

Yes, Commands Manager is cloud-based. You can use multiple devices, and your folders, commands, and settings will sync across them (as long as you are logged in with the same email on all devices).

Can I use Commands Manager with Terminal or my IDE?

Yes, Commands Manager is compatible with all terminals and IDEs. The principle of operation is the same as the usual copy-paste process.

How long are commands stored in the Cloud?

Your commands and user data are stored for as long as the application is operational or until you delete your account. If we stop supporting the application, all users will be informed in advance.

Should I create an account to start using Commands Manager?

You can use the app offline without creating a user account. However, in this case, you will not have access to all the online features of the app, such as cloud synchronization and command sharing.

Can I use Emoji in folder names and command descriptions?

Yes, absolutely! It's a fun feature!

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